If You Can Dream It You Can Do It

What wonderful words those are from Walt Disney. Walt had a vision of so many things, including his world famous theme park. He had a vision and a dream to make it a reality, and he did just that. Wise words for sure. Dreaming it is one thing, but believing you can do it, also helps us reach goals that it would be easy to say “I can’t do that” to. My card today reflects that belief.

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I made this card for the Global Design Project challenge this week. Here is the banner for the theme.


I used the stamp set This Little Piggy for my card, and coloured my piggy with my Light and Dark Flirty Flamingo Stampin’ Blends. I used the Seaside Spray Stampin’ Blend for her wings, and Ivory for inside her ear and her hooves. Since the pig is flying, because ‘if pigs could fly’ . . . as the saying goes, I added some clouds stamped in Flirty Flamingo on the Flirty Flamingo card stock background. I also thought the Pearlized Doilies had a bit of a cloud type of look, so I added a half doily to add a little shimmer. For some extra shimmer I painted her ears with Wink of Stella, although that may be difficult to see in the photo.

My piggy reminds us that we can do anything we believe in, and we should push ourselves outside our comfort zone at least some of the time, so we grow and learn new things.
What do you believe you can do? Give it a try, you may surprise yourself with your success.