Live With Passion

Live with Passion is such a good motto to live by. For anyone that knows me, you know that I can get very passionate about things I believe in. I try to live each day to the fullest, loving life and all it has to offer. Of course I'm human and have bad days, but I try to focus on the positive, and live my life with gratitude. It is just as easy to find the good things in life as the not so good, the choice is up to each of us.

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I love this sentiment from the Beautiful You stamp set. Reader's Digest always said Laughter is the best medicine, and it truly is. When we laugh out loud we release endorphines that have all sorts of great health benefits, and when we love deeply, that continues. Living from a position of gratitude gives us more to be thankful for, and the cycle continues.
This beautiful cards shows off some of our fantastic Designer Series Paper from the Nature's Poem pack, and gives us one more reminder to be grateful and Live with Passion.